Chinese smartphone maker Realme on Wednesday launched its new smartphone ‘Realme 7i with’ a quad rear camera setup, a high refresh rate screen, and an octa-core processor. Realme 7i will be available in 4GB+64GB at Rs 11,999, and 4GB+128GB priced at Rs 12,999: up for on sale on 16 October on realme. com, Flipkart and offline stores. It features a 6.5-inch HD+ (720×1,600 pixels) display with 90Hz refresh rate and 90 per cent screen-to-body ratio. The smartphone is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC with 4GB of LPDDR4x RAMA and has up to 128GB of onboard UFS 2.1 storage that is expandable via microSD card. The smartphone packs a quad rear camera setup that houses a 64MP primary sensor with an f/1.8 lens, an 8MP sensor with an ultra-wideangle f/2.2 lens, a 2MP monochrome sensor with an f/2.4 lens, and a 2MP sensor with an f/2.4 lens. The device is backed by a 5,000mAh battery that supports 18W fast charging.
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