New Delhi: Ranjeet, who has done over 500 films, is best known in recent times for ‘Behen Hogi Teri’ and ‘Houseful 4’ is all set to make his web debut with the series ‘Becharey’ on Rapchee app. Directed by Kranti Pratap Singh, it releases on 25 December and is produced by Rahul Datta who is one of the protagonists. On making his web debut Ranjeet shared, “I was looking at various scripts and ideas. I wanted to do an episodic first. So I liked the idea of acting with a young talented team in a story of their generation. I enjoyed the shoot. It is a comedy and there was freedom to create. The director gave had a fresh approach. I play Ranjeet (myself) who is sent by the landlord in Becharey house as I need to stay with some common young boys for a role. And the fun begins. ‘Becharey’ is a
pure comedy entertainment and it doesn’t drag. These are crisp episodes.”
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