NEW DELHI: Setting major fitness goals, Randeep Hooda on Tuesday shared a video of his ‘Jugaad-band-i’ workout for all his fitness enthusiastic fans. The 44-year old actor hopped on to his Instagram account and gave a sneak-peek into his makeshift arranged work out where he is seen doing triceps push down with a resistant band and wrote, “Jugaad-band-i! #inspectoravinash #setlife #Fitness” in the captions. The ‘Extraction’ actor, who is one of the fittest celebrities in the Indian film industry, often shares his videos of sweating out in the gym. But in the latest video, the ‘Sarbjit’ actor arranged to squeeze time from his busy schedule to work out by tying a resistant band on a door for doing triceps exercise. Hooda is currently shooting for his debut web-show ‘Inspector Avinash’ along with Urvashi Rautela. –C
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