Famous couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt recently celebrated the first birthday of their daughter Raha at their Mumbai home. Several Bollywood superstars attended the lavish event.
Alia’s sister, Pooja Bhatt, shared a heartwarming picture from the birthday festivities, taking to Instagram to caption it, “Circle of life!” The image featured filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt with the party decorations in the background. Pooja was seen holding a personalised cookie shaped like the number ‘1,’ with her father standing in the background sporting a white t-shirt. Additionally, the event included cupcakes with ‘Raha’ inscriptions, some adorned with colourful rainbows.
Raha’s grandmothers, Neetu Kapoor and Soni Razdan, expressed their love and wishes on social media for the little one. Riddhima Kapoor, Neetu’s daughter, shared a note on Instagram, saying, “Happy 1st birthday, my precious doll Raha. We love you to the moon and back.”Soni Razdan also extended her heartfelt birthday greetings to Raha.
The special celebration brought close friends and family to Alia and Ranbir’s home. Kareena Kapoor Khan, along with her son Jeh, was photographed outside Alia’s residence. Isha Ambani and Akash Ambani also joined the festivities.
Ranbir and Alia tied the knot on April 14, 2022, and their pregnancy was announced in June of the same year. Their daughter, Raha, was born on November 6, 2022. The couple had initially requested that the paparazzi refrain from capturing their daughter’s face, explaining that they wanted to protect her privacy. Alia recently addressed the issue at a media summit, emphasising that they are proud of their baby but want to ensure she is not exposed to the public eye at such a tender age. She assured me that they would reveal Raha’s face when they felt it was the right time.
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