Megastar Chiranjeevi turned 68 today, and the ‘RRR’ star Ram Charan took to his official Instagram handle and wished his father with the adorable picture ever. Sharing a picture of the megastar holding his granddaughter Klin Kaaran Konidela, the ‘RRR’ star wrote, “Happiest Birthday to our dearest CHIRUTHA – (Chiranjeevi Thatha) Loads of love from us & the Littlest member of the KONIDELA family.”
The megastar holds his granddaughter Klin Kaara Konidela close in his arms in an unseen picture shared by Ram Charan.
Take a look at Ram Charan’s Instagram post
Ram Charan and Upasana married on June 14, 2012. The gorgeous couple announced her pregnancy in December 2022 and welcomed their first child together on June 20. The star wife had shared a picture with her baby girl and the actor on her official Instagram handle later and thanked fans for their love and blessings. Her post read: “Overwhelmed by the warm welcome for our little one. Thank you for all the love and blessings.”
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