The stand-off between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress continued for the third consecutive day leading to the adjournment of proceedings of the Rajya Sabha till 2.00 pm over the government’s demand for an apology from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his ‘Democracy in India’ remarks in London and criticism of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Soon after the House assembled for the day and papers were laid on the table, Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar started reading, “I have received 11 notices under Rules 267”, the treasury benches started demanding an apology from Rahul Gandhi, leading to a ruckus. Meanwhile, Congress leaders voiced their concerns and began attacking the government.
The Rajya Sabha Chairman adjourned the House until 2 pm., amid accusations from both treasury and Congress members.
Singapore's High Commissioner to India, Simon Wong, highlighted the grandeur of the event.
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