Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday spoke with Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar over the alleged thrashing of the father of a Galwan martyr, in Vaishali, sources said. The jawan, identified as Jai Kishore Singh, was one of 20 soldiers who laid down their lives in a clash with the Chinese PLA troops in Ladakh’s Galwan Valley in 2020.The Defence minister condemned and expressed his displeasure over the alleged incident, sources said. Bharatiya Janata Party leader Haribhushan Thakur on Tuesday said that misbehaving with the family members of the jawan is unacceptable.
“Misbehaving with the family of Jai Kishore, who sacrificed his life for the nation in the Galwan valley standoff is unacceptable. The administration must take action against the police for arresting and manhandling his father,” Haribhushan Thakur said.
Earlier on Tuesday, family members of Jai Kishore Singh, who was among the soldiers who lost their lives in the 2020 Galwan Valley clash with Chinese PLA troops in eastern Ladakh, alleged that the martyr’s father was thrashed and arrested by the police for building a memorial for his son on government land in Jandaha in Bihar’s Vaishali.
He claimed that the police threatened to dispose the bust of the slain braveheart into the waters if the family did not comply.
However, the police claimed that the matter is linked to an issue of illegal encroachment, which was in violation of the rights of the landowner.
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