Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao who was recently seen in the web series Guns & Gulaabs, has shared a new picture with Sunny Deol on his official Instagram handle. The actor also congratulated Sunny Deol on the massive success of Gadar 2. In the picture, Rajkummar Rao could be seen sporting a green shirt and jeans, complemented by glass. On the other hand, Sunny Deol wore a white shirt and bucket hat. Along with the picture, Rajkummar wrote, “With the man of the hour himself @iamsunnydeol sir. So proud of you and your achievements sir. You deserve this and much more. आप आग नहीं क़हर हो। #Gadar2 Tara Singh and Tipu Tiger.”
Take a look at Rajkummar Rao’s Instagram post
Reacting to his Instagram post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “My personally two favorite in same frame.” Another wrote, “Gadar 3 mein Rajkummar Rao lelo.” A third fan wrote, “Hand pump with Tipu Pana.”
Helmed by Anil Sharma, ‘Gadar 2′ is a sequel to the hit film which was released in theatres in 2001. In the film. Sunny Deol played the role of Tara, a truck driver, while Ameesha Patel played Sakina in the film that was set during the partition of India in 1947. ‘Gadar 2’ follows Tara Singh as he ventures across the border in a daring attempt to rescue his son, portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma, who has been captured in Pakistan.
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