On Wednesday, MP Rajeev Shukla held a press conference at the Pradesh Congress headquarters and stated that a scheme like the Chief Minister Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme, which provides free treatment up to Rs. 25 lakh, is not implemented anywhere else in the country.
He said, “This scheme will now be applicable for free treatment up to Rs. 50 lakh. No other state in the country has such a scheme, and people in every village and hamlet of Rajasthan are benefiting from this scheme. He also praised this scheme. This scheme is very effective for the poor because everyone needs access to medical facilities.” Meanwhile, targeting the central government, he said, “The central government did not double the income of the farmers. However, on the issue of MSP, the central government had to sit on the roads for 13 months, forced to protest.” He said, “To alleviate the farmers’ distress, the Congress in Rajasthan has promised that if the government is formed in the state, the MSP law will be enacted. The task will be to get the fair value of their produce.”
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