Following a fight between two Gurjar groups in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur district, a man is said to have been run over by a tractor, according to police on Wednesday. The Adda village is where the incident happened. Om Prakash Kalaniya, the Assistant Superintendant of Police for the Bayana range, stated: “We were notified at approximately 7:30 a.m. that there had been a fight between two Gurjar community members. When I arrived at the scene with the Station House Officer (SHO) and Circle Officer (CO), I discovered that a person had been run over by a tractor and had died as a result of the altercation between the two groups.” An alleged video of the incident that appeared on the internet purports to show a man being struck by a tractor several time. The police official further said that several people were injured in the incident and were hospitalised.
“An FIR has also been filed on the basis of the complaint received, and further legal action will be taken accordingly. The tractor driver is yet to be identified, and his name will be revealed as soon as possible,” he said.
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