Governor of Rajasthan Kalraj Mishra met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday morning in Jaipur, where they spoke about a number of matters concerning the State’s development. Along with a shawl adorned with the state’s meenakari craft, the Governor also gave the Prime Minister a memento featuring Lord Ganesh. Arriving in the desert state on Friday, PM Modi is attending the 58th All India Conference of Director Generals and Inspector Generals of Police. Union Home Minister Amit Shah opened the annual three-day gathering of elite police officers.
The conference is being held in hybrid mode, with DGsP/IGsP and Chiefs of Central Police Organisations attending physically from Jaipur and over 500 police officers of various ranks participating through video conferencing from across the country.
The Union Home Minister distributed Police Medals for Meritorious Service to IB officers and awarded trophies for the three best police stations.
The Union Home Minister also highlighted the role of internal security in realising the Prime Minister’s vision of India becoming a developed nation by 2047.
The conference would deliberate on a range of security-related issues of critical importance, including the security of borders, cyberthreats, radicalization, fraudulent issuance of identity documents and threats emerging from AI.
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