Leading the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Tamil Nadu, Rahul Gandhi on Friday said that the mass contact programme has been launched by the party to “undo the damage done by the BJP and the RSS” to India. “If it helps the Congress, then that’s okay too,” the MP from Kerala’s Wayanad said, in response to a question if the 150-day long campaign would help in reviving the fortunes of the party.
The Congress aims to cover twelve states and two union territories in their 3,570 km long foot march. The campaign is launched keeping the 2024 elections in mind and aims to strengthen the party’s grassroot-level connections.
In response to a flurry of questions, Gandhi also shared his thoughts on becoming the party’s leader again. He said, “The elections for the top post are slated for October. There is no confusion in my mind at all. This Yatra has a political element to it, obviously, because it’s Congress’s Yatra. But I decided to join it because I believe in the ideology of the party. Hopefully, I would learn a couple of things about this beautiful country, and two-three months later, I would be a little wiser.”
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