The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) during its campaign against corruption in the state, on Tuesday arrested two district food and civil supplies controllers (DFSCs) involved in the infamous tender scam in different grain markets in Ludhiana district. In addition to this, the VB has also initiated proceedings in the court against three accused namely R.K. Singla, deputy director food and civil supplies and Pankaj Kumar, Menu Malhotra and Inderjit Singh.Both PAs of former food and civil supplies minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu to declare them as proclaimed offenders.
He informed that in this case accused Telu Ram, former minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu, Krishan Lal Dhotiwala and Anil Jain (Both commission agents) have already been arrested and all are in judicial custody. In addition to this, the VB has already presented challan against Bharat Bhushan Ashu, Telu Ram and Krishan Lal in the competent court at Ludhiana.
Revealing more he informed that during the investigation of this case, the VB has today arrested two more accused namely Sukhwinder Singh Gill, then DFSC Ludhiana West and Harveen Kaur then DFSC Ludhiana East. At present Sukhwinder Singh Gill is posted as DFSC Faridkot.
He added that these accused were members of district tender committee at the time of allotment of above said tenders. They along with other members of committee were responsible to check the relevant documents attached with the tenders including list of transport vehicles but they had not verified the registration numbers of vehicles intentionally as the number of scooters, motorcycles etc were mentioned in the attached list of vehicles.
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