CHANDIGARH: Amid strict instructions from Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh to further step up investigations into the hooch tragedy, the Punjab Police on Monday apprehended 12 more people, including two businessmen, and have launched a manhunt for eight others. Meanwhile, the death toll in the tragedy has gone up to 108, with 82 deaths in Tarn Taran and 13 each in Amritsar and Batala. With the latest arrests, the total number has gone up to 37, including five kingpins of the illicit liquor mafia that spanned several districts of the state.
According to DGP Dinkar Gupta, a manhunt has been launched for 8 more identified accused, including the Ludhiana-based paint shop owner, Rajesh Joshi, who is believed to be a key player in the mafia chain.
Investigations are also in progress to identify other links, he said, adding that efforts are being done to identify the various supply routes across districts.
The DGP said raids were still continuing adding that initial investigations indicate that Gobinder, Ravinder, Darshana Rani, Triveni Chowhan and, Harpreet Singh were among the key accused in the case, and their links with other major mafia gang members were being ascertained. “Nobody should be spared”, said Captain Amarinder, even as the Punjab Police launched a departmental inquiry against the 2 DSPs and four SHOs suspended for negligence. The magisterial inquiry ordered by the Chief Minister is also probing the involvement of all suspects, as well as the 6 police and 7 Excise & Taxation Officers whose suspension was ordered by the CM on Saturday.
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