On Tuesday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann signed a Knowledge Sharing Agreement (KSA). After this, opponents started calling Bhagwant Mann on compromising on Federal System. Opposition ministers like MLA Sukhpal Singh Khaira from Congress took a jibe at Mann and said, “This so-called KSA by Arvind Kejriwal is to cover up his erroneous act of summoning Punjab officers to Delhi recently which was widely condemned in Punjab circles! Now this KSA is a meek attempt to give legitimacy of remote controlling Bhagwant Mann from Delhi which Punjab will never accept!”
On Tuesday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann also held a joint press conference. Kejriwal said that good work has been done in Delhi in other areas including education. Similar good work will be done in Punjab also, he added.
Kejriwal called the knowledge-sharing agreement a historic moment. He said that the “Knowledge Sharing Agreement is a unique event in the history of India. Governments are signing an agreement for knowledge sharing. Our goal is to learn and grow from each other. This is a big development.”
On the other hand, Shiromani Akali Dal Chief Sukhbir Singh Badal also took Mann crookedly and said, “Black Day for Punjab. CM Bhagwant Mann institutionalizes Delhi Government interference in Punjab by signing MoU today.”
He said that there is a desire that after learning from the way work was done in Delhi, work should be done in Punjab also. Very good work has been done inside Punjab and will continue to do so. They should be learned and implemented in Delhi also. We believe that we can move forward by learning from each other. Together we will progress.
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that the Knowledge Sharing Agreement is a milestone in the history of India. Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann is on a tour of Delhi for the last two days, and as per party sources, he saw the development works here.
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