Amid the escalating tussle between AAP and BJP regarding the Centre’s rejection of the state’s Republic Day representation, Bhagwant Mann, Punjab’s Chief Minister, stood firm on Friday. Disputing Punjab Chief Sunil Jakhar’s accusation, Mann challenged the claim. He vowed to quit politics if it could be proven that their pictures were proposed on Punjab’s tableau. He added, “Jakhar is new to the BJP, so he’s still learning how to lie.”
CM Mann declared that the tableau would defiantly parade through the streets of the national capital and be stationed at Punjab Bhawan in New Delhi on January 20.
Addressing a press conference in Ludhiana, Mann asserted, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has no authority to dictate which tableau can join the Republic Day parade. We will exhibit the tableau at Punjab Bhawan on January 20 and showcase it on Delhi’s streets.”
Earlier, Punjab BJP chief Sunil Jakhar claimed that the AAP government insisted on featuring photos of Mann and AAP’s national convener, Kejriwal, Delhi’s Chief Minister, resulting in the Centre’s rejection. When questioned about AAP potentially allying with Congress in the Lok Sabha elections, Mann evaded a direct response.
Following a meeting discussing developmental projects in Ludhiana with MLAs and officers, Mann addressed the media. Emphasizing the AAP government’s welfare initiatives, he assured, “Anyone seeking an electricity connection will receive it, regardless of residing in an illegal colony or not.”Highlighting Punjab’s initiatives, Mann mentioned the establishment of a helpdesk at Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, exclusively for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). The desk will handle issues concerning tickets, hotel bookings, and lost luggage for NRIs.
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