The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Jagan Mohan Reddy, laid the foundation stone and inaugurated 15 development projects worth about Rs 3,300 crore. One of the biggest foundation-laying ceremonies was the setting up of the Fisheries University in Narsapuram, an important municipality in West Godavari District.
In a bid to significantly boost the aquaculture sector, CM Reddy laid the foundation stone of India’s third Aqua varsity at Narsapuram, in the West Godavari District,
Notably, the state government passed legislation in December 2020 to establish the AP Fisheries University, which will become a reality after the foundation is laid soon. The work of the university is taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 332 crore.
The university is being made with the objective to impart education in different branches of fisheries science that include research, technology refinement in production, and post-harvest technologies (processing and marketing), this university shall streamline fisheries education, leading to a comprehensive development of the aqua sector.
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