Nick Jonas, a singer and actor, turned a year older. His wife Priyanka Chopra sent him a special birthday message and described him as her “greatest joy” in life. Priyanka posted a series of photos of the couple on Instagram on September 16, the day of Jonas’ birthday, and she also included a sweet image of their daughter Malti Marie with Nick. In the first image, Priyanka is seen kissing him on the cheek. A blurry picture of the couple is shown next, and then a picture of Nick playing golf is shown after that. The following image shows Priyanka having fun on the golf course. Another adorable image shows Daddy Nick feeding Malti.
Along with the pictures she wrote a birthday message for her husband and mentioned, “Celebrating you is the greatest joy of my life. You have pushed me in ways I didn’t know was possible.. shown me peace like I have never known.. and loving like only you can.. I love you my birthday guy! I hope all your dreams always come true… Happy birthday baby@nickjonas”.
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