Actor Priyanka Chopra, also known as the ‘desi girl’ of Bollywood, attended the engagement ceremony of her sister Parineeti Chopra with AAP leader Raghav Chadha. After the ceremony, Priyanka expressed her excitement about the upcoming wedding of the newly-engaged couple.
On Saturday, Priyanka took to her Instagram handle to share adorable pictures from the ceremony, including a stylish photo with her brother Siddharth. The elder sister of the bride-to-be captioned the post, “Congratulations Tisha and Raghav… Cannot wait for the wedding! So happy for you both and the families. It was fun to catch up with the fam!”
For the occasion, the ‘Citadel’ actor chose a parrot-green-colored ruffled saree, which she paired with an off-shoulder blouse.
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