The ‘Citadel’ star Priyanka Chopra took to her official Instagram handle and shared new pictures with her daughter Malti. In the pictures, they can be seen heading out in the night to experience the phenomenon of the super moon. PeeCee looked stylish in a white tracksuit that she wore over a tank top, paired with white shoes. On the other hand, Malti was bundled up in a peach-colored winter hoodie. In the caption of her post, the actress wrote, “Looking for the super moon.”
Take a look at Priyanka Chopra’s Instagram post
Reacting to her Instagram post, one of the fans wrote, “You’re holding your super moon.” Another wrote, “Why are you looking for the moon while it is in your hands.” A third fan commented, “The most beautiful mummy and baby.” Another commented, “Yayy! So happy to see you and cutiepie MM.. Enjoy the super.”
Earlier, Nick Jonas had shared a couple of pictures with PeeCee and MM. Along with the pictures, he wrote, “July was a movie.”
Take a look at Nick Jonas’s Instagram post
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