MUMBAI: Amazon Prime Video on Tuesday unveiled the trailer of the much-awaited upcoming Amazon Original series, Bestseller. The intelligent and gripping psychological thriller is a perfect blend of suspense and drama, which will take audiences on a journey to the dark labyrinth of flawed human nature. Produced by Siddharth Malhotra’s Alchemy Production LLP and directed by Mukul Abhyankar, Bestseller features an ensemble star cast including Mithun Chakraborty, Shruti Haasan, Arjan Bajwa, Gauahar Khan, Satyajeet Dubey and Sonalee Kulkarni in prominent roles. The Amazon Original series will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on 18 February 2022 in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.
“I am thrilled that Bestseller is my full-feature digital debut”, said Shruti Haasan. “When Siddharth Malhotra reached out to me for Bestseller, I was working on a number of projects and wasn’t sure if I could make this commitment, but the moment I went through the script, I couldn’t put it down. I was hooked to the layers in the story and found my character so compelling, that I just had to do it. I always wanted to enter this space with a female lead story and it was an amazing opportunity to play a character I couldn’t pass up. I have worked hard to prepare for my role and I am really looking forward to seeing the audience’s reaction to the series,” she added.
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