On Sunday, Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan was on a one-day visit to Jaipur. During this visit, he held a meeting with officials of the Jaipur division. In the meeting, he urged the officials to contest the elections unitedly in the coming times and win with a majority. After the divisional-level meeting, while talking to the media at the BJP headquarters, he attacked the Congress government and said, “A new government will be formed in Rajasthan after 50 days. The people of Rajasthan have made up their minds. In 2018, the Congress made several promises but failed to deliver on them. Rajasthan tops in crimes against women. In the last 5 years, more than 32,000 cases of crimes against women have been registered in Rajasthan. Several influential people have also been accused in these cases. Rajasthan ranks first in corruption. They have crossed all parameters of corruption for votes. Due to infighting within the Congress, the situation in Rajasthan is deteriorating.”
Dharmendra Pradhan said that the BJP is like a Himalaya in Rajasthan. He also stated that a plan has been prepared for the 50 assembly constituencies of the Jaipur division, and the BJP will get a bigger majority in the elections than in 2013.
Pradhan added, “In the last 5 years, the papers of recruitment examinations have been leaked 19 times. Due to this, the confidence and self-esteem of poor children are weakened. Due to the leak of papers, Rajasthan is getting a bad name in the country.” He also talked about the Red Diary and said that this diary has records of corruption. The Union Minister also pointed out the electricity crisis in the state and questioned the state government’s management of electricity.
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