In a shocking incident reminiscent of a movie plot, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Vice President Varinder Sharma was abducted at gunpoint by seven assailants from a tea stall in the Rajbagh area of Kathua yesterday evening. However, in a swift and daring operation, the police successfully rescued the BJP leader after an hour-long chase in the Saktachak area of Kathua. All seven kidnappers have been apprehended.
Vipul Sharma, cousin of Varinder Sharma, provided harrowing details of the incident, stating that the assailants not only abducted his cousin but also robbed him of cash and gold. “They demanded money from him, threatened him by firing. He was abducted and then stabbed multiple times by kidnappers. Right now, he is unconscious and is undergoing treatment in the hospital,” he added.
Officials reported that the BJP District Vice President, Varinder Sharma, was forcefully taken from a tea stall by seven suspects armed with firearms. The police, led by Inspector Tariq Ahmad, engaged in a daring pursuit that concluded in the Saktachak area of Rajbagh in Kathua, resulting in the rescue of the BJP leader, albeit in an injured condition. The police have seized pistols and other weapons used in the crime, and a case has been registered as investigations are currently underway.
The incident has raised concerns about the safety of political figures in the region, prompting authorities to review security measures and take necessary actions to prevent such incidents in the future.
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