Deoghar police has foiled the plans of cattle smugglers. On the basis of secret information, police have rescued three trucks of cattle from Budhai police station area. The police have seized the cargo vehicle being taken towards West Bengal by checking near the market of Budhai police station. There was a plan to take this cargo vehicle to West Bengal by road via Chakai in Bihar through Devipur, Budhai, Margomunda of Deoghar. 45 cows, 10 calves and 6 heifers have been saved from being smuggled from all three cargo vehicles. WB37D- 7612 vehicle with 15 cows, 5 calves, 2 heifers, driver Lalu Yadav who is a resident of Sheikhpura in Bihar and resident of Chhapra district in Bihar Dinesh Rai and cattle owner Nand Kishore Yadav, a resident of Buxar district, have been detained. While carrying 13 cows and 1 heifer from another cargo vehicle WB37D 8944, Vardhaman resident driver Raja Mall driver, Dhanbad resident Rajesh Rai and cattle owner Atal Yadav, resident of Bhojpur, Bihar have been detained. Whereas 15 cows, 5 calves and 3 heifers have been saved from smuggling from the third cargo vehicle WB37D 0392. While the driver of this vehicle, Kundan Kumar resident of Maranchi, Patna, co-driver Vinay Kumar resident of Lakhisarai and Tulsi Yadav resident of Bhojpur, have been detained.Apart from this, the police have taken directions from the preferred officer to take appropriate legal action against the three vehicle owners.
Along with this, a case has also been registered against all in Budhai police station. Significantly, in these three cargo vehicles, cattle were loaded tied with a rope in a painful condition. This action has been taken due to non-availability of any documents during vehicle checking. All the seized animals have been handed over to the local Gaushala after examination by the Veterinary Officer. Due to the seizure of such a large number of cattle, there has been a stir among the smugglers of illegal animals.
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