In a significant operation, the Bhilwara police seized a luxury SUV car carrying a substantial quantity of narcotics. The police confiscated 309.77 kilograms of illegal opium doda chura, valued at approximately 86 lakh rupees. The incident is related to Daulpura village in the Mandalgarh police station area. Although the accused have managed to escape, the police have seized the car and launched a search operation against the perpetrators under the NDPS Act.
Mandalgarh SDM Ganesh Ram stated that under the leadership of Superintendent of Police Shyam Singh in Bhilwara district, a specialized team has been formed to crack down on drug trafficking. Constable Pratap Ram Vishnoi of the DST team provided crucial information about a luxury SUV Creta parked in Daulpura village, suspected to be filled with illegal narcotics.
Acting swiftly, the police conducted an operation and discovered opium doda chura concealed in black plastic bags inside the SUV Creta. Another suspicious aspect was the presence of an additional number plate inside the vehicle, raising concerns about its authenticity.
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