Haryana’s Home and Health Minister, Anil Vij, announced that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to lay the foundation stone of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Rewari on February 16, 2024. Speaking at the PWD Rest House in Ambala Cantonment, Vij addressed BJP officials, workers, and others, providing details about the event. He revealed that the inauguration ceremony in Rewari will be broadcast live at the Kumari Rukmani Devi Memorial Hall on Railway Road in Ambala, beginning at 11:30 AM. Vij extended a warm invitation to officials, workers, and the public to attend the program in large numbers and witness the live broadcast directly on a big screen installed in the hall.
Highlighting the significance of having Haryana’s first AIIMS and the 22nd AIIMS in the country established in Rewari, Vij emphasized the immense benefits it will bring to the entire state. He instructed BJP officials to organize the live broadcast and ensure all necessary arrangements are in place for the event.
The gathering witnessed the presence of several BJP leaders, including Jasbir Singh Jassi, Rajiv Gupta Dimple, Kiranpal Chauhan, Vijendra Chauhan, Sanjeev Soni, BS Bindra, Rambabu Yadav, Narendra Rana, Lalita Prasad, Ajay Baveja, Bal Kesh Vats, and Vijay Gupta, alongside ward heads and Shakti Kender chiefs. Their presence underscored the collective enthusiasm and support for the monumental occasion.
The establishment of AIIMS in Rewari marks a significant milestone in the healthcare infrastructure of Haryana, promising advanced medical facilities and services to its residents. As the countdown to the foundation stone-laying ceremony begins, anticipation and excitement ripple through the state, heralding a new era of healthcare excellence and accessibility.
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