Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for numerous development projects in Jammu, collectively valued at over Rs 32,000 crore. The projects span the education, railway, aviation, and road sectors. PM Modi flagged off the first electric train in the valley and initiated the train service between Sangaldan station and Baramulla station. Additionally, during the program, he distributed appointment orders to approximately 1500 new government recruits in Jammu and Kashmir.
As part of the ‘Viksit Bharat Viksit Jammu’ program, the Prime Minister interacted with beneficiaries of various government schemes. His visit to the winter capital Jammu marked the launch of multiple development initiatives. PM Modi, received at the Jammu technical airport by Lt Governor Manoj Sinha, Union minister Jitendra Singh, and other prominent BJP leaders, including J-K unit president Ravinder Raina, arrived amid heightened security arrangements.
A large number of people from across Jammu and Kashmir gathered at the Maulana Azad Stadium for the event. This is the second visit of PM Modi to Jammu and Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019 and assumes significance ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Moreover, it is the first visit since the Supreme Court, in December last year, validated the abrogation of Article 370, ordered the restoration of statehood, and instructed the Centre to conduct Assembly elections by September 2024.
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