Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the Rajya Sabha in the new Parliament building on Tuesday, said that“today’s occasion is historic and memorable”. He recalled his address in the Lok Sabha and expressed gratitude towards the Chair for the opportunity to address the Rajya Sabha on this special occasion. Noting that the Rajya Sabha is considered the Upper House of the Parliament, the Prime Minister underlined the intentions of the makers of the Constitution that the House become a centre for serious intellectual discussions rising above the ebb and flow of political discourse while giving a direction to the nation.
“It is the natural expectation of the country,” the Prime Minister said as he noted that such contributions to the nation increase the value of the proceedings. The Prime Minister quoted Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan that the Parliament is not just a legislative body but a deliberative body. He said that it is always a pleasure to hear quality debates in Rajya Sabha. New Parliament, he said, is not just a new building but is also a symbol of a new beginning. At the dawn of Amrit Kaal, this new building will infuse a new energy in 140 crore Indians, he said.
The Prime Minister stressed the need to achieve goals in a set time frame as the nation is no longer ready to wait. He said that the time has come to move with new thinking and style to meet the aspirations of the people and that will require expanding the scope of work and thought process. The Prime Minister said that the House can be a source of inspiration for the legislative bodies all over the country with regard to parliamentary probity.
Throwing light on the decisions taken in the last 9 years, the Prime Minister pointed out those issues that have been pending for decades and were considered monumental. “Touching upon such issues was considered a huge mistake from the political standpoint,” the Prime Minister said as he mentioned that the government took major strides in this direction even though they did not have the required numbers in the Rajya Sabha. He expressed satisfaction that the issues were taken up and resolved for the betterment of the nation and credited the maturity and intellect of the Members for the same.
“The dignity of the Rajya Sabha was upheld not because of sheer numbers in the House, but due to the dexterity and understanding,” he added. The Prime Minister thanked all the members of the House for this feat. The Prime Minister said that despite the changes in dispensations in a democratic setup effort has been to keep the national interest supreme. Underlining Rajya Sabha’s role as House of the States, the Prime Minister said that in the time of emphasis on cooperative federalism, the country has moved forward with great cooperation on many critical matters.
Starting a new chapter, forget all past bitterness: PM
New Delhi: As Lok Sabha convened in the new Parliament building for the first time, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday called on MPs to forget all past bitterness and start a new chapter, asserting that whatever they are going to do in the new complex, should be an inspiration for every citizen in the country. As Lok Sabha proceedings chaired by Speaker Om Birla began in the new building, Modi delivered his maiden speech in the new Lok Sabha chamber as the Leader of the House. The Prime Minister said the new Parliament building reflects the aspirations of 140 crore Indians. “When we are starting a new chapter, we should forget all past bitterness,” he said.
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