The Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai hosted the Margazhi Ashtami Chariot Festival on Thursday, drawing a sizable crowd to the city’s streets. With drumming and conch blowing, devotees commemorated the momentous occasion. Numerous police officers were sent in to keep the crowd under control. The cheers of Lord Meenakshi Amman reverberated throughout the entire city. The celebration takes place during the Tamil month of Margazhi, or Margasheersha. According to Hindu customs, the month of Markasheersha is lucky for spiritual growth, which can be achieved by fasting and meditation in honor of Shiva, Shakti, Vishnu, and other deities.
Idols of lord Meenakshi Amman and Sundareswarar will stroll through the outer streets in a chariot. Women will pull the chariot which is the major highlight of the festival.
Lord Krishna mentioned the importance of Margazhi month in the Bhagavad Gita. As per the tradition, religious sermons, chanting, listening to spiritual music etc. should be done in this month. At the same time, no religious events like weddings are performed in this month. People do not engage in any activities other than worshipping God.
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