Congress and other party MPs, including AAP, moved notices in both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on Monday, demanding discussions on the situation in the violently disturbed state. This comes as opposition parties prepare to launch their attack on the Centre in Parliament, which has been plagued by disruptions since the Monsoon session began. In accordance with Rule 267, Congress MP Ranjeet Ranjan requested a discussion on the “grave matter of atrocities against women resulting from the ongoing violence in Manipur” and the “persistent failure of both the Union and Manipur Government in resolving the issues and facilitating the peace process.”
In addition, Manoj Kumar Jha of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), Binoy Viswam of the Communist Party of India (CPI), Tiruchi Siva of the Democratic Progressive Party, and Sanjay Singh and Raghav Chaddha of the Aam Aadmi Party have requested a suspension of business in the Upper House in order to discuss the Manipur situation.
Notably, earlier in the day, Congress Lok Sabha MPs Manickam Tagore, and Manish Tewari have proposed adjournment motion notices to discuss the situation of the northeastern state with the latter asking to suspend Zero Hour, Question Hour, and other businesses of the day to have a discussion regarding “ongoing ethnic clashes”.
The Monsoon session began on July 20 amid the pandemonium over Manipur violence, with the oppposition demanding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statements on the same “inside the House and not outside”.
Earlier on Sunday, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur hit out at the oppposition, stating that it is running away from the proceedings of the parliament.
Speaking to the media, Thakur said, “The government is ready for the discussion on Manipur but the opposition is avoiding the same. They are also running away from the proceedings of the parliament. What is their compulsion? They want to remain in the limelight but do not want to be in the discussion”.
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