WASHINGTON: American media personality Paris Hilton opened up about her infamous sex tape in a chat shot and revealed that the aftermath of the video has left her with ‘PTSD’ (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

According to Page Six, the former reality star said during a Vanity Fair Cocktail Hour, Live! chat on Thursday, “That will always be something that will hurt me for the rest of my life.” “When it happened, people were so mean about it to me. The way that I was spoken about on nightly talk shows, to see things with my family was just heartbreaking. I would be in tears every single day, I felt like my life was over.” Page Six reported that the tape was released by Hilton’s ex-boyfriend, poker player Rick Salomon in 2004. Titled ‘1 Night in Paris,’ it showed footage of the pair having sex in 2001 . The socialite said, “It was a private experience between two people. You love someone, you trust someone and to have your trust betrayed like that and for the whole world to be watching and laughing . It was even more hurtful to me to have these people think that I did this on purpose. It still gives me post-traumatic stress disorder to talk about it.”