Parineeti Chopra and AAP leader Raghav Chadha are all set to get engaged after being rumoured to date for a long time. Adding up to the suggested date of 13 May selected for the engagement, the actor’s Bandra house is decorated with beautiful lights. On Thursday, in the latest photos from the house of Parineeti, decorative lighting could be seen all over the balcony area as the family gears up for the engagement. The decoration seems bright to mark the announcement of a new couple in B-town. Parineeti and Raghav’s dating rumours began after they were spotted together at a lunch date in Mumbai in March. It is said that Parineeti and Raghav studied together at the London School of Economics and have been friends for a long time. Parineeti and Raghav also follow each other on Instagram. The duo will exchange the rings in Delhi. Around 150 close friends and family members have been invited to the ceremony.
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