Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra got engaged to AAP member Raghav Chadha on Saturday. The engagement bash was held in Delhi and was attended by the gorgeous couple’s close family members and friends, including Parineeti’s cousin-actress Priyanka Chopra. The Citadel star also congratulated the couple on Instagram. Now, the Ishaqzaade actress responded to Priyanka’s message.
Take a look at Priyanka Chopra’s Instagram post
Sharing a couple of pictures, the Citadel star had written, “Congratulations Tisha and Raghav…Cannot wait for the wedding! So happy for both of you and the families. so fun to catch up with the fam!” Taking to the comment’s section, the Ishaqzaade actress wrote, “Mimi Didii bridesmaid’s duties coming upppp!”
A day later, the gorgeous couple also thanked everyone for their love and good wishes.
Have a look
For the unversed, dating speculations about the gorgeous couple started circulating when they were spotted together outside several restaurants in Mumbai some time ago. Although they didn’t officially address their relationship status, the rumours were substantiated when they were pictured attending an IPL match in Mohali.
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