MUMBAI: Actor Pankaj Tripathi on Sunday turned a year older. To make his day special, fans and several members from the Indian film industry took to their respective social media handles to extend birthday greetings to him. “Happy birthday Pankaj. Wishing you love and light always,” actor Anushka Sharma wrote on Instagram Story. On Pankaj’s birthday, actor Manoj Bajpayee said that the former’s journey is quite inspiring. “Janamdin ki dher sari shubhkamnaye. Tumhari yatra na keval prerna deti hai baki hum sab ka sar garv se uncha ho jata hai…tumhe har din safalta ke paydan chadta dekhkar. Chadte jao chalte …prassan rho swasth rho,” he tweeted.

Actor Gulshan Devaiah took to Twitter and wrote, “Happy teachers day sir. I have learnt/stolen from your work.”

Actor Sharad Kelkar posted a picture on Twitter, wherein he can be seen sharing smiles with Pankaj. “Happy birthday Pankaj ji,” he captioned the image. Pankaj’s ‘Mirzapur’ co-star Rasika Duggal, too, penned a cute wish for Pankaj. “Happy birthday tripathi ji. Is saal toh gaddi de do,” she quipped. Pankaj is best known for his roles in ‘Mirzapur’, ‘Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl’, ‘Stree’, ‘Bareilly Ki Barfi’, and ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ among others. He recently received the Diversity in Cinema Award at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM). 


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