NEW DELHI: Panasonic on Wednesday launched the latest addition of its flagship LUMIX G series—LUMIX G100 in the Indian market. Priced at Rs 58,990 (without grip) and Rs 67,990 (with grip), both kits of LUMIX G100 come with the LUMIX G VARIO 12-32mm/F3.5-5.6 ASPH/MEGA O.I.S.(H-FS12032) lens and are available at Encompassed with 20.3MP MOS Sensor without Low Pass Filter and 4K technology, the LUMIX G100 aims to deliver supreme quality and higher resolution images/videos in comparison to smartphones. The 5-Axis Hybrid I.S. (Image Stabilizer) in the camera provides effective shake suppression under wide-ranging situations such as recording while walking or riding on a moving vehicle for stable, easy-to-see video. The camera is packed with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (IEEE802.11b/g/n) connectivity to offer a more flexible shooting experience and easy instant image sharing. Enabled with the ‘LUMIX Sync App’, the camera, features an option to instantly upload and share pictures on social media via a smartphone or tablet.
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