The Bharat Jodo Yatra came to an end on Monday. In the last leg of the yatra, in Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi unfurled the tricolor at Lal Chowk in Srinagar, 75 years after his grandfather and the first Prime Minister of independent India unfurled the national flag. On this occasion, the National Conference of Farooq Abdullah and the People’s Democratic Party of Mehbuba, the Mufti, were conspicuous by their absence. The day Rahul reached Srinagar, stringent security arrangements were made by the administration, and all the separatist Hurriyat Conference leaders were kept under house arrest. Questions are now being raised about whether both the NC and PDP leaders did not want to annoy the Hurriyat leaders, and that is the reason they preferred to skip the unfurling of the national flag. , Friendly conflict between the Left, Congress, and As it was expected, an alliance between the left parties and the Congress may not be welcomed at the grass-roots level. Both parties have put up candidates in some constituencies. , Initially, the CPM and Congress agreed on a formula for sharing seats. According to that formula, the CPM left 13 seats for the Congress. However, facing a huge revolt in the party, Congress had to declare candidates for 17 seats. Now to save the embarrassment, the CPM has agreed that both parties will contest those four seats in a “friendly fight.” The top leadership of both parties is now worried that these so-called “friendly” fights may spill over to other constituencies, thereby giving a walk to the ruling BJP in the state. Sudip Roy Bar, the state congressman who recently won a by-election, is facing a rebellion from his own brother, Joydeb. He wanted to contest one of the seats. But the state’s congressional leadership has left the seat to a CPM candidate. Visibly upset, Joydeb Gheraoed his elder brother’s office to pressurize the party. , Rajasthan, CM faces, resentment, A 2016 batch woman IAS officer was recently promoted to the rank of collector in Rajasthan. This move has created huge resentment among the officers belonging to the 2015 batch. These aggrieved officials have now planned to seek an appointment with the Chief Minister to air their grievances. According to state political circles, officers who demonstrated loyalty to Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot have been deprived. The CM’s Office has strongly denied the allegation, stating that the officers have been promoted on the basis of their past performance.
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