Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar and the entire team finally launched the teaser of OMG 2 a while ago on social media. The actor shared the teaser on Instagram and wrote, “Rakh vishwas #OMG2Teaser out now.”
The teaser begins with Pankaj Tripathi’s strong voiceover. In the clip, Pankaj and his family are seen going through tough times, and that’s when Akshay Kumar as Lord Shiva enters his life. During one of the scenes, Akshay tells Pankaj, ‘Rakh vishwas tu hai shiva ka das.’ The makers chose to keep Yami Gautam under wraps.
Check out the teaser below
Reacting to the teaser, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Guru jiii.” Another wrote, “1000 crore.” A third user wrote, “The scene with “Gao Maata” gives goosebumps.” A fourth user wrote, “This teaser just awesome.”
This is a developing copy.
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