On the 28th anniversary of his grandfather’s passing, actor NTR Jr. paid respects at the NTR ghat on Thursday. Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR) was the former chief minister of Telangana. In addition to the “RRR” actor, Nandamuri Kalyanram, his brother, also gave NTR tribute. NTR Jr. had a black mask on over his face and a black jacket on. At the memorial, both actors paid their respects and offered flowers. On social media, a number of videos showing the actors being surrounded by fans at the NTR ghat appeared.

Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, fondly known as NTR, was an Indian actor, producer, director, editor and politician who served as the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh for seven years.
He received three National Film Awards for co-producing ‘Thodu Dongalu’ (1954) and ‘Seetharama Kalyanam’ (1960) and directing ‘Varakatnam’ (1970).
NTR also received the erstwhile Rashtrapati Awards for his performance(s) in films like ‘Raju Peda’ (1954) and ‘Lava Kusa’ (1963).
Meanwhile, talking about NTR Jr’s work front, he will be next seen in the Pan-India film ‘Devara’ which also stars Saif Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor in the lead roles.
Recently, the makers of ‘Devara’ unveiled the film’s teaser which received massive responses from the audience.