Rajasthan Congress’s State In-Charge Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa has claimed, “Except for Mahendrajeet Singh Malviya, no Congress MLA is leaving. The entire party in Rajasthan is united, with a single goal of winning the next Lok Sabha elections.”
In a special interview, Randhawa said, “The party has given a lot to Malviya, but he has betrayed the party by joining the BJP. Malviya’s departure will not have much impact on the party. It’s good that he left. All the news of breaking MLAs is baseless. BJP has attempted to break Congress in Rajasthan not for the first time. From 2020 until last year’s assembly elections, BJP made many attempts to break Congress, but all were unsuccessful.”
Regarding the selection of candidates for the Lok Sabha elections, Randhawa said, “There will be meetings of a screening committee soon. After that, panels will be prepared. No panel has been prepared yet. Panels will be prepared soon and sent to the Central Election Committee.”
On the question of big leaders not contesting in the Lok Sabha elections, Randhawa said that the party will discuss it with them, and only then a decision will be made.
He added, “Former Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s son may contest elections. They will also ask Sachin Pilot if he wants to contest. If he is ready, he will get the ticket. The same will happen with other leaders. BJP may have won the assembly elections through manipulation, but now the people of the state are unhappy. BJP’s attempts to create chaos will not succeed in Rajasthan. The departure of one leader does not have much impact.”
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