There will be no early elections in Gujarat, according to Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. Speaking at a state level function on the occasion of World Tribal Day at Jitnagar in Rajpipla, the district headquarters of Narmada—where the Chief Minister inaugurated the Rs 341 crore Birsa Munda University building—Rupani said, “I do not believe that early elections will come. Elections will be held on time in the state. Gujarat has nothing to do with the Uttar Pradesh elections. We are people who are constantly working. BJP is not making any election plan. We have been going among the people continuously for five years. Congress goes among the people only at the time of elections.”
Security arrangements were made by the Narmada police as the Chief Minister visited Rajpipla. On the occasion of World Tribal Day, Narmada district will get a gift of Birsa Munda Tribal University’s own building at the state level main function at Jitnagar in Rajpipla. The building of Birsa Munda Tribal University was inaugurated by CM Rupani. Forest and Tribal Welfare Minister Ganpatsinh Vasava was also present on the occasion.
During the celebration of World Tribal Day, BJP MP Mansukh Vasava got angry at the ongoing programme. During Vasava’s speech, he was annoyed when the anchor shouted at the CM. “Stop it now,” the MP told the anchor. Vasava was talking about the rights of tribals. On the Congress’ protests, Chief Minister Rupani said that the state government celebrates and the Congress opposes. No one took note of the Congress’ opposition, he said. Today, on the occasion of World Tribal Day, the Congress opposes the tribals, he said. CM Rupani expressed his condolences over the accident in Amreli and said that eight people have been killed in a tragic accident in Amreli. “This is a very sad event.” CM Rupani announced assistance of Rs 4 lakh to the families of all the deceased.
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