In the Delhi horror case, Nirbhaya’s mother Asha Devi reached Anjali’s residence. Earlier the Delhi Police team reached Nidhi’s house. In the early hours of New Year Anjali was killed after her scooty was hit by a car and for 13 kilometers was dragged under the vehicle on the city’s roads. During the accident Anjali was not alone she was accompanied by her friend Nidhi.
Houthis warn of renewed assaults on Red Sea vessels if the Israel-Hamas truce is violated,…
The BJP is intensifying its criticism of the remarks made by Leader of Opposition in…
BJP formed a third successive government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Since…
The announcement of a ceasefire deal in conflict between Hamas and Israel This agreement marks…
Pope Francis injured his arm after suffering his second fall within a month. The incident…
Jair Bolsonaro’s passport remains seized as he faces coup-related charges. His attempt to attend Trump’s…