In the coming days, residents of Ludhiana will find it easier to travel to New Delhi, Amritsar, and Katra as two new Vande Bharat trains are set to commence operations. The Prime Minister will flag off six Vande Bharat and two Amrit Bharat trains on December 30th. One of these trains will depart from Katra to New Delhi via Amritsar, facilitating travel between these destinations. The introduction of these trains will streamline travel for individuals heading to Amritsar and Katra. Both trains will have stopovers at Ludhiana railway station, while the train traveling from New Delhi to Katra will also halt at Ludhiana. Consequently, there will be two Vande Bharat trains for New Delhi and one for Delhi.
As per available information, the Vande Bharat train running between Katra and Delhi will commence regular operations from January 1st. It will have stopovers at Udhampur, Manwal, Jammu Tawi, Kathua, Pathankot Cantt, Mukerian, Dasuya, Ludhiana, and Karnal en route, while the train heading from New Delhi to Amritsar will halt at Ambala, Ludhiana, and Jalandhar. The newly introduced Vande Bharat train has been equipped with additional modern amenities. Officials mention that the schedules for both trains will be released from the head office soon.
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