A grand granite statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose will be installed at India Gate, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday. “At a time when the entire nation is marking the 125th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, I am glad to share that his grand statue, made of granite, will be installed at India Gate. This would be a symbol of India’s indebtedness to him,” the Prime Minister said in a tweet today. The Prime Minister said that till the time the grand statue of Netaji Bose is completed, a hologram statue will occupy the place.
“Till the grand statue of Netaji Bose is completed, a hologram statue of his would be present at the same place. I will unveil the hologram statue on 23rd January, Netaji’s birth anniversary,” tweeted PM Modi.
Republic Day celebrations will start on 23 January this year, the 125th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. It will end on 30 January, the day Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated.
Official sources said that the dimensions of the Netaji statue would be 28 feet in height and 6 feet in width.
Acknowledging Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision, Netaji’s daughter Anita Bose Pfaff, on Friday said that honouring Netaji by setting up his statue is “very remarkable”. “Honouring him by setting up his statue is very remarkable. Very happy that Netaji’s statue would be put up in a prominent place in Delhi. This is a great tribute to a man who has suffered so much for the wellbeing of his country”, she said.
Anita Bose also found it gratifying to see young people still knew Netaji and respected him. “125 years is a long time and 75 years since Indian Independence. More than one generation has passed away… It is gratifying to see that young people still know who Netaji is, still respect him and many love him. This is a great tribute to him.”
“What I find more important is having a revival and strengthening Netaji’s values and ideas into today’s lives and politics not only of high-level politicians but of every single man and woman. Let that be the guideline for action. Jai Hind”, said Netaji’s daughter.
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