On Thursday, Nepal court lifted the ban on Kriti Sanon and Prabhas starrer Adipurush. However, the Mayor of Kathmandu has vowed to defy order. The Nepal court lifted the ban on all Hindi films, and the list includes Om Raut’s directorial Adipurush too. It has requested the authorities to not halt any screening of films that have been passed by the censor board of the country. But, Kathmandu Mayor is against the screening of Adipurush because of a dialogue that states Sita as ‘India’s daughter’.
Expressing his disagreement, Kathmandu Mayor Balendra Shah shared a Facebook post which reads: “The film’s writer said that Nepal was under India, this clearly shows India’s ill intention. To term this as a stunt by the Nepal government and to issue an order by the court in favour of screening the movie means, to accept that Nepal was once under India’s rule, the court and the government are both the slaves of India.”
Patan Hight Court judge Dhir Bahadur Chand stated that the screening of films that have permission from the censor board should not be stopped. While, the President of the Nepal Motion Picture Association, Bhaskar Dhungana informed the media that they will screen all films after a permission from the censor board. He said: “Now we will screen all movies passed by the censor board.” For the unversed, the Nepal court banned Adipurush along with other Hindi films. The reason behind banning the film was a controversial dialogue.
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