Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday began the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP’s) Vijay Sankalp Mahasampark Abhiyaan, a door-to-door campaign, in Tamil Nadu by visiting 11 homes in Kanyakumari on Sunday and exuded confidence that NDA will come to power in the state after the assembly polls.”I am confident that the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK)-BJP- Paattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) government will be formed in Tamil Nadu,” Shah said.
Shah started the door-to-door campaign by visiting 11 homes at Suchindram town in Kanyakumari and appealed to the people to ensure the win of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) candidate Pon Radhakrishnan. Speaking to the media, Shah said, “Today, we have started our started door-to-door campaign by visiting 11 homes here. I appeal to all to ensure the win of NDA candidate Pon Radhakrishnan from Kanyakumari Lok Sabha seat in by-polls,” he said.
During the campaign in Suchindram, he said, “Through this campaign, we have initiated the process of taking Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) symbol, ‘Kamal’ (Lotus) to every home in the state. We have tried to convey Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s message to the people.”
He conducted a roadshow from Hindu college to Veppamodu Kamraj statue.
Shah offered prayers at Suchindram Temple, Kanyakumari, on Sunday morning and was accompanied by BJP leaders and supporters.
Later in the day, he is scheduled to attend the valedictory function of BJP Kerala Vijay Yatra in Thiruvananthapuram.
This is Shah’s second visit to the state in a week. Last Sunday, he visited Chennai and met Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami and his deputy O Panneerselvam.
BJP is contesting Assembly elections in Tamil Nadu in alliance with incumbent All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK). The AIADMK late Friday night announced that it allocated 20 Assembly constituencies to the BJP for the ensuing elections along with the Kanyakumari Lok Sabha constituency.
Tamil Nadu Assembly elections for 234 constituencies will be held in a single phase on April 6 and the counting of votes will be done on May 2. As many as 6,28,23,749 electors will choose candidates for the sixteenth Legislative Assembly in Tamil Nadu.
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