Amid rumors of Nayanthara and Atlee’s strained relationship after Jawan release, the gorgeous actress sent a special message to him on birthday. She took to her official Instagram handle and shared BTS pictures from the sets of Jawan to wish him. In the pictures, they were seen exchanging notes and laughs. The talented actress said she was proud of Atlee. “Happy birthday Atlee. So proud of u.”
Take a look at Nayanthara’s Instagram story
For those unaware, several reports have claimed that the actress is upset with the filmmaker after the Jawan release.
Meanwhile, even Shah Rukh Khan wished the filmmaker on his birthday. SRK shared a BTS video of the song Faraatta. Taking to X, he wrote, “Done more than a few songs with @deepikapadukone… but nothing like a love song done the Atlee way!!! Happy Birthday my friend @Atlee_dir! Thank u for this #Faraatta of a song… To first meetings, first love, that Faraatta feeling!.”
Here’s what Shah Rukh Khan tweeted
The film marked Nayathara and Atlee’s Bollywood debut. It has collected more than Rs 800 crore at the box office globally.
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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