Jawan actress Nayanthara took to her official Instagram handle and shared an unseen romantic picture with hubby Vignesh Shivan and dedicated a love song to him. Amid a beautiful sunset backdrop, the gorgeous couple can be seen posing with their heads and nose close to each other. Along with the picture, she wrote, “All of me loves all of you.” Vignesh reshared the picture on his Instagram story and wrote, “red hearts emoticons perks of bae being new to the gram.”
Take a look at Nayanthara’s Instagram post
Take a look at Vignesh Shivan’s Instagram story
Also, Vignesh sent his love and best wishes to Nayanthara as her Bollywood debut film Jawan released today. “Wishing the best for this team that put together 2.49 hours of sheer entertainment! Break the box office and make remarkable records. My Thangamey. @nayanthara.”
Have a look
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