Following the rupture with the saffron Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) stalwart and former Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala announced their solo pursuit in the parliamentary polls. As part of this endeavor, Naina Chautala has been nominated by the JJP for one of the pivotal Hisar Lok Sabha seats. On Tuesday, the JJP disclosed the names of candidates for five parliamentary seats, with Naina Chautala, the incumbent JJP MLA and mother of Dushyant Chautala, securing the nomination for Hisar, affirming the Chautala family’s stake on the seat. Hisar’s political landscape, notably the Lok Sabha seat, has been a battleground for prominent political families, and this contest underscores the ongoing saga. Dushyant Chautala previously clinched the Hisar Lok Sabha seat in 2014 under the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) banner, emerging as the youngest elected MP at just 26 years old, before the family schism and the birth of the JJP.
The BJP, donning its saffron colors, has nominated Ranjeet Singh Chautala for the Hisar seat. Ranjeet Singh, an independent MLA since 2019 who recently resigned from the assembly, is not just another contestant; he is Naina Chautala’s uncle-in-law. Their electoral confrontation intensifies the familial dynamics in the political arena.
With the Congress yet to unveil its Hisar candidate list, anticipation looms over their choice amidst this familial face-off. Former BJP member Birendra Singh, who recently defected to Congress, is vying for the same seat, setting the stage for a tussle between two influential families.
Despite facing public discontent during canvassing, the JJP remains resolute in its pursuit, with Naina Chautala’s candidacy not just framed within the context of the Lok Sabha polls but also with an eye on the impending assembly elections in October. The outcome of the parliamentary polls could significantly shape the state’s political landscape.
It’s noteworthy that the BJP’s decision to field Ranjeet Singh Chautala from Hisar before the JJP aims to dilute the Chautala family’s dominance, seeking to capitalize on political gains. Meanwhile, there’s speculation that Congress may nominate Birender Singh’s son, Brijender Singh, who recently joined the party. Such a scenario sets the stage for a triangular contest, highlighting the entrenched influence of these three political dynasties.
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