Photofit Music producer Suresh Bhanushali recently released a music video titled Hum Haar Nahi Mante on Independence Day which garnered immense praise from the audience. The video features Bollywood choreographer Ganesh Aacharya, Krushna Abhishek, Kiran Kumar, Rajniesh Duggall, Kashmera Shah, Deepshikha Nagpal and more. The song is composed and sung by Prateek Gandhi.
Reminiscing his first song Bhanushali says, “Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. Photofit Music was born out of pure appreciation for the things we love. It was decided that whenever I’ll do my first song it has to be with someone who completely resonates with the song. I had seen Manish Goplani’s work on television, he is a very good actor and thus was the first choice for my first song.”
Talking about the future collaborations he adds, “We don’t have any certain target to associate with any brand or name. We want people to bring out their talent, shape it through Photofit, join hands and grow together.” Photofit has released two songs so far, Hum Haar Nahi Mante and Prem Deewani featuring Manish Goplani and Vihana Yadav.
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