The police have reported that a 40-year-old hotelier, Vijay Asrani, who resided on Perry Road in Bandra (West), Mumbai, tragically died on Sunday morning. He was struck on the head by a metal block that fell from a truck involved in an accident. Asrani was out for an early-morning walk, heading from Turner Road towards Carter Road, when the incident occurred.
According to the police, a speeding truck lost control and crashed into a large tree on the same road. The impact caused a heavy, rectangular iron piece to fall from the truck and hit Asrani on the head, resulting in severe injuries. This information was detailed in the police complaint.
The metal block was reportedly being transported to a coastal road construction site, according to police sources.
Bystanders quickly alerted the police, and a nearby patrol team rushed Asrani to K B Bhabha hospital. Unfortunately, doctors declared him dead upon arrival.
Asrani was single. Following a complaint from his relative, Shiven Shah, the Bandra police have filed a case against the truck driver, Manjur Ansari, 41. The police have sent Ansari’s blood sample for testing to determine if he was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident, according to an officer.
Ansari has been arrested under sections 304A (causing death by negligence) and 279 (rash and negligent driving) of the Indian Penal Code.
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